This is the first map I have released to the public. I have spent countless hours testing this and working out all the bugs I can find. This is my first success at map-making. The basic idea is this: everybody starts out facing a large room with an elevator moving slowly up and down. Most of the battle will (I hope) occur here. There are many rooms branching off from the main platform that contain various difficult areas. All weapons are to be found here, and all are easy to get, with the exception of the flamethrower (a warning-when you see a flame thrower just sitting there chances are it's guarded by something, so be careful!). There are a two secrets, one nets you the flamethrower and an invincibility, and the other lets you in on a very nasty trick-releasing a juggarnaut onto the hapless people riding the platform. Have fun! All I ask in return is to (like everybody else) have you PLEASE send me your pfhilms! I am a person with no one to network to, so feedback is also nice. Send anything to PhforEyes (yes, I know it's misspelled, I haven't got around to changing it yet) (what else?).
REQUIRED discription:
Game Type : MARATHON by Bungie Software
Version(s) Supported :2 (Durandal)
File Type (choose one) :Map
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-8 Player :no, untested
Network 2-8 Player : Yes, untested
Number of Teams in Game :8
Difficulty Level :Normal
New Sounds :no
New Graphics :no
New Music :no
* Construction *
Base :From scratch
Editor(s) used : Phforte 2.0a13
Build time :2 days???
Known Bugs/Problems :none
The Story (if any):
Narrative Description: (See above)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional